Tuesday 24 October 2017

Dealing with failure

I loved my first 12 weeks with my trainer teaching me how to train with weights effectively. I learnt some movements I had never done before, but more often, I learnt how to correctly execute movements which I had thought I already knew. Once I had form down we'd gradually increase the load in order to progress. The rule was, if I could complete 12 - 15 reps for multiple sets with good form then I would up the weight. With consistently training 3 times a week (and diet changes) I was able to increase the weight quite regularly without a huge amount of struggle. I wouldn't say it was with ease but I was definitely walking out of the gym smiling and feeling pretty pleased with myself (most days anyway). If this was how it was going to be for the entire journey, it was going to be a sweet ride! (Yay for the anatomical adaptation phase!)

Alas, this isn't the case anymore. Things have got a lot more challenging! The best way I can explain where I am right now is that it feels as if I've reached an intensity (as in a heavier weight range) that makes me think holy sh*t this is actually quite tough. I wasn't quite prepared for this and some training sessions left me feeling frustrated and disappointed in myself. Especially if I couldn't complete the target number of reps for certain exercises. My brain was thinking; what was happening to me? Where had my strength gone? WTF, I am not used to failing!

I'll explain what I mean using the momentous deadlift as an example. My progression from 12kg KB hip hinges to 35kg barbell deadlifts was a smooth ride with fairly linear increments of weight over the 12 weeks. All good stuff as you'd expect! But, it just so happens for me that now I've reached 40kg, things are a bit different. It actually hurts, I struggle, and I fail. (I blame my poor grip strength for this particular exercise to be honest.)

My options? Carry on feeling like shit and potentially give up, or, accept that this isn't meant to be easy and stick at it until it is. I'm going for the latter, I had my strop and I'm over it. I'm not too concearned that I'm not increasing the weight on the bar with each session anymore and I'm just going to work on these 40kg DLs every week until I can complete my full 12-15 reps for 4 sets fairly comfortably. It might take longer than the ideal, but hey, every body is different and patience is key!

In addition, as I've identified my grip as a limitation for the progression of some exercises, I did a bit of extra research on how to increase grip strength. I now incorporate a couple of extra exercises to my routine each time I'm at the gym to help.

So there you go - it's a cycle of pushing yourself, failing, hard work and improvement - but it's all with an upwards trend on the progression chart, and that's what it's all about.

Anyway, I hope I didn't make too many people laugh at the fact that I'm struggling with a 40kg DL!

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