Tuesday 8 August 2017

Tuesday thoughts

It's cold, it's wet, my knee is aching and I just feel a bit miserable.

What's with my knee you might be thinking? It's a long-ass story for a different day but the crux of it all is that every now again for the past 15 years it likes to randomly swell up and cause me a bit of gyp. OK so it's not so random as to when this actually happens, it's more as and when I decide to skip my prescribed medication because I am (quite literally) sick of the side effects. Tiredness, nausea, and generally feeling run down for 4 out of 7 days a week. I have to decide between that, and having a less than fully functioning knee joint. You can imagine my dilemma given my current love affair with exercise.

So what am I going to do about it? Firstly I can't change the weather so I'm just going to have to deal with that with my unicorn umbrella and a smile on my face. As for my second moan, I'm going to re-evaluate my diet and look to the healing power of whole foods. Something I've read a fair amount on but never really committed myself to properly experiment with. It's got to be worth a shot right? So, I've been searching and reading up on the best anti-inflammatory foods to incorporate into your diet to alleviate symptoms of inflammation related diseases or even potentially cure them.

I happened to come across this great website Dr. Axe, and he has created this easy to digest info graphic listing the top 15 anti-inflammatory foods with a brief explanation of their anti-inflammatories and benefits. Well worth a look if you are suffering with any sort of disease caused by inflammation and want to give the diet a go. This is the list I will be working from, adding these food items to my weekly shop and cooking with them everyday. And maybe the most important point to make is that I'll also be cutting down/out on simple refined sugars and carbohydrates and other processed foods (Lord help me - this will be the hard bit).

No doubt I'll give an update on my progress in due course and maybe even share some new recipes I cook up. On a side note, if this works and helps my knee, even just a little, it begs the question, why wouldn't my Doctor just tell me to try this before prescribing me toxic drugs? Surely they aren't just after my £9 prescription fee each month to keep them in business...?
Thinking face

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