Saturday 5 August 2017

A new turn of events

A few weeks ago marked my 1 year anniversary of hitting Pure Gym at least 3/4 times a week, every week. Not only that, it marked half way through 2017 - the year I was telling everyone would be my year with all my shallow, aesthetic, pathetic goals to get 'lean'.

You've probably guessed it, I was still no where near reaching my goals and felt, to put it simply, disappointed and let down. I was having thoughts along the lines of...

"Why on earth haven't I lost weight?"

"What am I doing wrong?"

"I can't believe how much of my life I've wasted to see barely any changes in my body!"

Don't get me wrong, I loved going to the gym, it never felt like a chore that I had to force myself to do. I mainly went for group classes, all kinds of classes - Circuit Training, Fat Burn, LBT, Pump and Spin amongst others.. I like the social side of attending the group classes and they definitely got me moving after a lifetime of despising any form physical activity. So in that sense, it wasn't a total waste of time.

But, after a year of this, I began to think I wasn't doing enough or it wasn't the solution I was after.

Now, I'd been toying with the idea of reaching out to a PT as I began to realise I needed to start lifting the heavy stuff. That's all I knew / thought I knew, but no amount of YouTube tutorials or Insta videos would be enough to help me here. Speaking of Instagram, it was while I was mindlessly scrolling (as I regularly do) that I came across a post from James - yourherofitness - looking for ladies who want to drop their % body fat and tone up. I thought to myself, what the heck, what harm can this do, lets do this. And I'm so glad I did.

Now, I've only had 3 training sessions with James so far but already there are a million things he has taught me about myself and what I personally should be doing at the gym to make my workouts as efficient as possible. It's like a light bulb has just been switched on and now all of a sudden things are starting to make a lot more sense. The most resounding being that we should instead be focusing on performance based goals and the visible aesthetic changes will happen naturally. Now I'm looking forward to what's to come during my fitness journey, my only regret is not doing it sooner!

So my take home note would be this: If you're umm-ing and ahh-ing about whether or not to pay for some Personal Training sessions, or getting advice from a fitness professional, I'd say go for it.

Now that I'm feeling happier and like I'm making progress again, I'll try to update my blog a bit more regularly!

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